Front-end developer
with a passion.
Reach out today!

Hi there! My name is Frances Hughes and I have

been creating websites for the last two years.

While I'm quite proud of my web development

tech stack, here is what sets me apart from

other junior front-end developers:

  • Probably the most important one is that I
  • can solve problems on my own without
  • needing any babysitting.
  • If I don't know something, I learn it
  • very quickly.
  • I'm also an avid video-gamer and board
  • gamer, so there is no way that you cannot
  • speak to me about cool stuff.
  • I could go on for longer, but there's only
  • so much space on this website.
NZQA Diploma in Full Stack Development
Dev Academy, Auckland
Certificate in Business Studies
Massey University
Bachelor of Arts Degree (Double Major) + Computer Science papers
The University of Auckland